EDU_Siri program has a function that converts the instructor's voice into a text file and saves it. I thought I'd write down some of the things I learned and struggled with while implementing this feature.
I can search "speech_recognition" library when googling. Initially, I decided to use this module, but there were two factors hat made it unsuitable for development.
- While googling about "speech_recognition", the majority of codes run as the following: Input voice using mic and these input values are converted into text. But my program doesn't utilize the inputting system using a mic, so I needed to come up with another algorithm.
- "speech_recognition" module can convert the voice in a video into a text. However, the module has a size limit. I was unable to use this module, due to its ability to only transcribe the speech to a text for up to 100MB.
- If you check a result with speech_recognition, you can see that it does not recognize characters such as . , ? !. I need to pass a speech recognized text to a summarization function, which would create a matrix based on punctuation marks such as dots. That is, I can't use "speech_recognition" without a punctation mark. -> This is the biggest reason for not using "speech_recognition".
I finally choose VOSK Model.(the solution code of converting voice into text without a size limit). It's voice recognition tool-kit. It was pretty hard to search references while developing.
vosk model download :
I chose the lightest option, vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15 for lightweighting. Let's check the code.
1. Convert Video into Audio file
Because the program starts with receiving a video file, it converts the video file to an audio file before speech recognition. "FRAME_RATE" decides smapling rate, which is related to sound quality. Google told me that 16000 is the most optimized value, so I used it. "Channels" is related to features of voice. A value of 1 is the one-dimensional sound we typically hear ( a value of 2 seems to have a similar effect to surround sound).
# Convert Video to audio file
clip = mp.VideoFileClip(video_path)
FRAME_RATE = 16000
2. Basic Setup Code
Define model that I will use and setting value. During development phase, I set "Words(True)" to check that sound file is exactly converted into text file.
# set up
model = Model(model_name='vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15')
rec = KaldiRecognizer(model, FRAME_RATE)
You can see both the completed sentence and the individual words translated by voice by setting "SetWords(True)".
speech = AudioSegment.from_mp3(speech_path) # Load file
speech = speech.set_channels(CHANNELS)
speech = speech.set_frame_rate(FRAME_RATE)
result = rec.Result()
Now load the file, run it through the speech recognition parser to get the speech raw data and return it in the result variable. The result value is like this.
Because the result I only want to know is translated sound text, get value of text by using json.loads funciton.
text = json.loads(result)['text']
3. Prediction of Punctuation
If you read the above text value, it will print out fine as a complete sentence, but there are no characters such as . , ? !. Without these punctuation marks, the function that summarize text can't configure appropriate matrix. That is, text summarization function becomes useless. So I need a solution of predicting punctuation marks.
"vosk-recasepunc" predicts the punctuation of sentences and puts marks such as . , ? ! in appropriate places. You can see two way to use this when goolgling. In my case, using the subprocess module to mindlessly run the file worked well, so that's what I chose to do.
cased = subprocess.check_output('python recasepunc/ predict recasepunc/checkpoint', shell=True, text=True, input=text)
cased = cased.replace(" ' ", "'").replace(" ? ", "? ").replace(" ! ", "! ")
4. Result
So if you look at recent results from several different leading speech groups, Microsoft showed that this kind of deep neural network
when used to see coasting model and // (The rest is omitted)
Full Code
def video_to_text(video_name):
# Set path of video and speech file
base_path = os.getcwd()
video_path = base_path + "\\video\\" + str(video_name)
speech_file = str(video_name).split('.')[0]
speech_file = speech_file + ".wav"
speech_path = base_path + "\\speech\\" + str(speech_file)
# Convert Video to sound file
clip = mp.VideoFileClip(video_path)
FRAME_RATE = 16000
model = Model(model_name='vosk-model-small-en-us-0.15')
rec = KaldiRecognizer(model, FRAME_RATE)
print("\n\n############# Now, I'm on my work.. It takes a few minutes. #################")
print("################## It's okay to ignore warnings! ##########################")
print("#### If the program is still stuck after enough time has passed, press Enter. #####")
speech = AudioSegment.from_mp3(speech_path)
speech = speech.set_channels(CHANNELS)
speech = speech.set_frame_rate(FRAME_RATE)
result = rec.Result()
text = json.loads(result)['text']
cased = subprocess.check_output('python recasepunc/ predict recasepunc/checkpoint', shell=True, text=True, input=text)
cased = cased.replace(" ' ", "'").replace(" ? ", "? ").replace(" ! ", "! ")
with open('speech_result.txt',mode ='a') as file:
file.write("Content: \n")
print("| Converting is done! (Video Sound -> Text) |")
except Exception as e:
error("Error occurred during converting video sound to text! The file is probably an unsupported format")