Advanced Tips For SSRF Attack
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Dream Gallery
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Small Tip
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When running docker with apache, tomcat etc.. must run with command "-D FOREGROUND"
CCE 2022 Review
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Mass Assignment Vulnerability
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What is 'Mass Assignment Vulnerbility'? 개발자가 효율적인 작업을 위해 Parameter가 HTTP Request 요청과 binding 될 수 있게 허용한 경우에 발생하는 취약점이다. 'Mass Assignment Vulnerability'가 존재할 경우, 매개변수가 자동으로 binding되기 때문에 공격자가 서버 측의 항목을 수정할 수 있다. 이를 통해 원하는 계정의 관리자 권한 부여, 접근 제어 공격 등을 Trigger할 수 있다. 이 취약점이 발생하는 대표적인 예로 Spring의 Auto Binding, ASP.NET의 Object Injection이 있다. 이 취약점을 방지하려면 Parameter를 Whitelist 방식을 이용해 관리해야 한다. Example of ..
API Portal
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BalsnCTF 2022
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This service related to next.js. // globalVars.js const globalVars = { TITLE: "My First App!", SECRET: "here is my secret:", FLAG: "FLAGFLAGFLAG", }; export default globalVars; I can see fake flag and SECRET with link. I entered it, but no important information in there. Let's look around more. import Head from 'next/head' import Image from 'next/image..
NullconCTF 2022
🚩 CTF/Former Doc
I didn't spend too much time in this CTF. So I wrote writeups about only few problems. ● [ I love browsers ] In this main page, it shows "Hello [user's browser] user" sentence. The two ways that service knows user's website is using Javascript or using "User-agent" header. This service doesn't seem to run by javascript, so I tested by using "User-agent" header. I wrote Safari in it, this service..