tiny root
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Dreamboard ( 심층 분석 )
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우분투 22.04 버전 apt-get update 에러 솔루션
1. mkdir ~/solution cd ~/solution/ 2. vi로 ~/solution/sources.list 연 다음에 아래 내용 넣고 저장 deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal main restricted universe multiverse deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal main restricted universe multiverse deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ focal-updates main r..
Ubuntu 기초 세팅 명령어 완전 정리
매번 도커파일 생성해서 우분투 컨테이너 만들기 귀찮으므로 여기에다 정리한다. (구글링으로 복붙한 도커파일은 최신 버전으로 작동 안해서 이렇게 작성한 이유가 크다..) 포너블 공부 때 내가 쓰는 툴 위주로 작성해놨다. github 링크가 날아가지 않는 이상 문제 없을 코드다. python3(만 쓰는 사람) & gdb-peda를 쓰는 사람들은 따로 설정 안하고 그대로 복붙한 후, 우분투 버전만 수정해주면 문제 없이 사용할 수 있을 것이다. FROM ubuntu:[원하는 우분투 버전] ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive ENV TZ Asia/Seoul ENV PYTHONIOENCODING UTF-8 ENV LC_CTYPE C.UTF-8 WORKDIR /root RUN echo "Ac..
Weird Database
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Converting Audio into Text (with Predicting Punctuation / eng ver)
📄 Project/Edu_Siri
EDU_Siri program has a function that converts the instructor's voice into a text file and saves it. I thought I'd write down some of the things I learned and struggled with while implementing this feature. I can search "speech_recognition" library when googling. Initially, I decided to use this module, but there were two factors hat made it unsuitable for development. While googling about "speec..
Text Summarization Function (Extractive / eng ver)
📄 Project/Edu_Siri
The basic information about Text Summarization is described in here. There are many documents and description about Text Summarization, but no appropriate code so I made my own. Many documents that I found by googling take articles or journals and run text summarization in abstractive way. In my testing of various articles, I found that abstractive mode made the article easier to understand and ..
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